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Business and Economics
Tax Expenditures for the Chopping Block: The Earned Income Tax Credit
The EITC doesn’t alleviate poverty or help the people it’s trying to help—and it’s rife with fraud and abuse
Sep 4
Jack Salmon
Tax Expenditures for the Chopping Block: State and Local Tax Deduction
The SALT deduction unfairly benefits the wealthiest Americans and incentivizes states to raise taxes
Aug 22
Jack Salmon
Tax Expenditures for the Chopping Block: Tax-Exempt Interest on Municipal Bonds
Not taxing interest from municipal bonds is expensive, crowds out private-sector investment in infrastructure and gives the biggest benefits to the…
Jul 30
Jack Salmon
How America Subsidizes the World’s Medicine
Changes to domestic drug pricing policies can make foreign countries pay a larger share
Jul 12
Satya Marar
Jacob James Rich
The Federal Reserve Should Let Exchange Rates Float
But if the Fed is concerned with the dollar’s volatility, it should pursue better inflation management
Jul 9
Improving the Rules of the Game
Reforms to the congressional budget process can help promote fiscal responsibility, but is there the political will?
Jun 26
Christopher M. Russo
Tax Expenditures for the Chopping Block: The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
This credit hasn’t given us a greater amount of affordable housing; instead, it’s raised housing costs and crowded out private-sector alternatives
Jun 25
Jack Salmon
Tax Expenditures for the Chopping Block
Congress should go after some low-hanging fruit in the U.S. tax system to improve the country’s fiscal health
Jun 13
Jack Salmon
Live and Let Fry
Local governments ought to encourage, not forbid, ‘churro ladies,’ home-based businesses and small-scale commerce
Jun 5
Addison Del Mastro
How To Stop Mission Creep at the Federal Reserve
The Fed shouldn’t be interfering in nonmonetary matters such as fiscal policy, climate change and inequality
May 17
Demystifying the Federal Budget Process
To prevent the U.S. from falling off the next fiscal cliff, Congress has to come up with a workable budget
May 14
Christopher M. Russo
Like It or Not, China Is the Green OPEC
China laid the groundwork for the global green economy. Now, the West is paying for it
May 13
Kenneth Rapoza
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