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Republicans Are Desperate to Join the Celebrity Culture They Abhor
Despite the GOP’s newfound fascination with celebrity, the Republican Party and modern pop culture are like oil and water
4 hrs ago
Christian Schneider
The Era of the Do-Nothing Congress
Why do legislators no longer want to legislate?
Sep 9
Robert Tracinski
J.D. Vance, Former Cultural Conservative
Contrary to the man who wrote “Hillbilly Elegy,” the GOP’s vice presidential candidate now blames a rigged system for the working class’s problems
Sep 3
It’s Not Reagan’s Party Anymore
The Republican Party has abandoned the ideas that made America great again
Aug 27
Robert Tracinski
Different Candidate, Same Plan
Despite the widespread enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, she is a weak candidate—and the race may still hinge on what Donald Trump does or doesn’t do
Aug 19
David Masci
Time To Show Venezuela’s Dictator the Door
President Biden must help Venezuela’s endangered opposition and facilitate a democratic transition
Aug 13
Michael J. Ard
America’s Midwestern Dad?
A Minnesotan looks at the Tim Walz phenomenon
Aug 10
James Lileks
America Is Absolutely an Idea
From the beginning, America’s identity has been defined by ideas, not blood and soil.
Aug 6
Robert Tracinski
In Today’s GOP, the Party of Reagan Endures
The modern GOP’s emphasis on the working class is far more Reaganesque than the party’s critics will admit
Aug 5
Henry Olsen
How Catholic Integralism Became Just Another “-ism” in the New Right’s Firmament
Catholic Integralism has morphed from a reactionary political creed into a melting pot of populist policies that has become increasingly influential…
Aug 2
Eileen Norcross
Cutting Red Tape To Spur Economic Growth
U.S. states that have implemented policies such as regulatory budgets that cut red tape tend to grow faster than states that have maintained the status…
Aug 1
Patrick McLaughlin
Democracy’s Happy Warriors
To preserve our liberal democracy, we need to make use of optimism
Jul 29
Joe Romance
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